I Love Beverly Hills

Jacqueline Maddison with Neal Cohen of BWR Pr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Jacqueline Maddison with Neal Cohen of BWR Pr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

It’s been  an  amazing journey since the start of Beverly Hills Magazine. I’ve had the chance to work with so many wonderful people, and I’ve learned about so many great businesses, unique products, and exceptional services available in the world today. But the greatest of all these, has been my ability to share these things with you.

We celebrated the centennial of Beverly Hills last year, and it seems this year is off to an even better start leading into the next 100 years of celebrating Beverly Hills. In the heart of the City of Angels, where stars shine bright and dreams really do come true… I can admittedly say that I have fallen in love with this beautiful city. I’m pictured here with Neal Cohen of BWR PR, a new friend of mine. We ran into each other at an event in Beverly Hills, and had to capture the moment. I’m glad we did. It’s a simple reminder to always stop and live in the moment. Be present in it, because each moment is truly a gift.

Home to some of Hollywood’s most famous celebrities and the hub of the entertainment world, Beverly Hills is the heartbeat of Los Angeles. The energy is exciting and the people are eccentric, but there’s a common thread running through the hearts of all the people in LA…And it’s Love. I see kindness, beauty, and generosity of Spirit wherever I go, and it is these things that makes a happy home; a happy life; and a truly beautiful city. These are just a few simple reasons why I love Beverly Hills.

Always remember, dreams really do come true!

Love always,

Jacqueline Maddison

I Love Beverly Hills

 (Image Credit)

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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