How to Transform Any Apartment

How to Transform Any Apartment #apartment #decoratingtips #transform #transformyourapartment #upgrade #renovate #interior #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine
How to Transform Any Apartment #apartment #decoratingtips #transform #transformyourapartment #upgrade #renovate #interior #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine

Whether you live alone, with a flatmate, or with your family, at some point in your life, you’ll most likely come to notice that your apartment’s interior could use some freshening up. Now, rather than revamp the whole place, there are countless easy design tricks you can apply to give your living space a brand new vibe, all without breaking the bank. In this article, we go over some budget-friendly interior decorating tips you can use to transform any apartment! (Image Credit: Katemangostar/Freepik)

Paint the Walls

One of the easiest ways to renovate your place is with a good old paint job. You may stick with the existing color, but this is a superb opportunity to switch things up a bit. Remember to keep things simple and organic; if you want to paint a room in green or yellow, do so only on one wall, as this will bring depth and a nice and sleek overall look.

Invest in Some New Furniture Pieces

If you’ve got an old couch or a worn-out coffee table, it might be a good idea to replace them with new furniture. Surely, it might cost you some, but there’s no better way to transform any room. In any case, be sure to look for a website that offers plenty of choices, from mid-century chairs to industrial bookcases, and make the choice depending on whether you’re opting for a modern look or a vintage vibe.

Swap Out Cabinet and Door Knobs

An alternative to tossing outdated furniture and appliances is to simply replace the knobs. Most home staging experts will recommend that you do that, along with giving the cabinet or cupboard a fresh coat of paint for a second life. The same principle applies to your doors; something as simple as swapping out antique door knobs with contemporary ones can make a world of a difference.

Install Floating Shelves

Need more storage, but have limited surface area? No problem! Floating shelves will enable you to exploit your space to keep books, storage boxes, decoration items, and more. It’s typically one of those projects you can DIY for a few bucks, regardless of your handyman knowledge. With some research, you’re bound to find a guide that will make the process quick and seamless.

Upgrade Lighting Fixtures

It’s known that lighting plays a central role in interior decoration. With old-looking fixtures, the result will be a dull and unstylish space. As such, you can scour the web, visit thrift stores or big-box chains to find suitable lighting alternatives. You can find elegant options to elevate your space for as low as $20-25.

Hang Bamboo Blinds

Have you always longed for some privacy from your front-facing neighbors? Rather than put up bulky curtains that will gather dust and darken your interior, bamboo blinds are a superb way to provide privacy and soften incoming sunlight without blocking it. Relatively affordable (around $30), easy to put up and maintain, they’ll add a unique and effortless touch to any space.

Add Some Plants

Speaking of nature, green plants are your go-to if you’re looking for organic and fresh interior vibes. Not only are they a pleasant sight, but they also help with indoor air purification. You’ll find countless species, some are big and leafy, some are small and floral, and others come in a variety of shades. Simply make sure that you place them in a nice planter and to water them regularly.

Put Up Artwork

Empty walls are like an artist’s blank canvas; the possibilities are virtually endless. Whether you want to hang some picture frames, a poster, or put up a neon sign, this is your chance to express your creativity and personality. Scour the web and check out art magazines or social media pages to gather inspiration for your next home improvement project.

Install a New Showerhead

When it comes to the bathroom, how many times have you struggled with that tiny and ill-fixed showerhead? Bathrooms are beauty temples that should be hygienic as well as relaxing. As such, you may want to replace that years-old showerhead system with a brand new one. It won’t just help you take better showers, but also gives a more sophisticated vibe. While you’re in there, switch up that bland shower curtain with a fun one (jungle theme, geometric patterns), and invest in some new bath mats.

All things considered, there are a thousand and one ways you could go about transforming your apartment. And that doesn’t always require costly operations like bringing down a wall to establish a new floor plan. On the contrary, focus on the little things, and what your place lacks (practicality, comfort, storage, sunlight, etc.) to find appropriate and budget-friendly solutions. In the end, with a bit of planning, a few smart purchases, and some DIY skills, you’ll be able to make your apartment completely unrecognizable!

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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