How to Stay Safe During Home Improvement Projects

How to Stay Safe During Home Improvement Projects #beverlyhillsmagazine #beverlyhills #bevhillsmag #protectivegear #protectiveeyewear #homeimprovementprojects #improveyourhome

The moment your housing situation improves, you’ll probably start thinking about home improvement projects. Whether you’re replacing the carpet, installing improved lighting, or renovating the kitchen, technique and skill matter. But equally as important is making sure you stay safe in the process. Here’s what you need to know to stay well while working on your home.

Lift Objects Carefully

Part of lifting objects carefully is taking the time to think about the way you move your body. Since there might be misconceptions, it helps to stick to basic rules, like lifting with the knees and not bending forward when picking up objects. Avoid wearing clothing that’s too loose and baggy if you’re working with paints and chemicals. Avoid twisting your body and joints in awkward positions when working on ladders or transporting heavy items. Abrupt movements, particularly when lifting, are likely to lead to trouble. Remember, that not lifting carefully can lead to slip and fall injuries. Slip and fall injuries often come from poor lighting and torn carpeting, but can easily happen when you’re carrying too much weight.

Keep the Workspace Clean and Clutter-Free

The majority of home improvement projects take up a considerable amount of space. Regardless of the room you’ve entered, you won’t want to spend much time stepping over clutter and putting yourself at risk. Unfortunately, plenty of your possessions can get in the way. Paint cans, ladders, large plastic bags, house furniture, appliances, just stop and think. If you envision a home that’s neat and organized while working, you’ll do your best to keep items close by, prevent trash and debris from accumulating, and put things back where you found them. Where items and materials are tucked away neatly, they’re labeled, ordered, and arranged, so that everything is easy for you to keep up with.

Wear Protective Eyewear and Gloves

Eye injuries are among the most devastating risks associated with home improvement projects. Flying debris, sharp edges, and even refined materials like bits of ground-up metal or sawdust can penetrate the eyelids and lead to severe pain and injury. Wearing goggles isn’t just a suggestion, but in many cases, a priority for contractors who might be working on the job. And while keeping hazardous chemicals away from your eyes is important, while it’s great to have sturdy hands, exposing your hands to dangerous liquids could cause skin irritation. You won’t need full-on personal protective equipment, but it’s worth wearing some protective gear when starting your next project.

Hire Contractors for Overly Complex Projects

No matter how much experience you have, sometimes you might need to outsource some of the work. Projects will be complicated, dangerous, or simply require more than one person to be able to be pulled off successfully. Whether you’re bringing in roofers or plumbers or considering working with an interior designer, it’s in your best interest to check their qualifications. You want professionals who’ve had hands-on experience matched with excellent customer reviews, as reputation is as important as work ethic. Surprisingly, among all of the potential housing projects, cleaning your Heat Exchanger could save you the most money in energy costs. If you want to keep an extra $5,000-$10,000, make sure that the home improvement project is near the top of your list.

Follow Fire Safety Guidelines

Depending on the project you’re working on, you might be working with household supplies and various chemicals. Follow product instructions and guidelines to avoid mixing flammable supplies. And make sure you have a revised fire escape route mapped out now that the interior or exterior of the house might be different. Part of avoiding fires in the home is sticking to basic safety guidelines you already know, as many of these become more important when you work on home improvement projects where flammable materials might be involved. To complete better projects, go through the work knowing you’re safe and secure from the start. While 55% of homeowners are renovating this winter, any time of year is the time to be wary of fire hazards.

Keeping safe during a home improvement project will require your full attention to detail, along with some general guidelines worth keeping in mind. You’ll want to keep fire safety in mind but also wear protective eyewear and gloves. You’ll also want to remember that an anxiety-free, clutter-free, neat environment is safest. The safer your surroundings, the more effective you can be at improving your home’s image. Now is the time to choose to upgrade your housing experience today.

Timothy Beck Werth was born on the Fourth of July. He studied journalism, film, and radio at the University of Southern California. Previously, he worked as a reporter and copywriter in Los Angeles.
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