How To Celebrate Valentine’s Day Single

How To Celebrate Valentine's Day Single
How To Celebrate Valentine's Day Single


By Fran Berger:

It’s that time of year.  The pressure to have that perfect Valentine’s date is upon us.  But, with all the excitement for those that are in a relationship, those of us who are single tend to feel left out.  Here’s the perfect Valentine’s Day party ideas for all singles who are want to celebrate love and enjoy the night with friends and family instead.

It sounds obvious but – only invite truly single friends.  Invite an equal number of both sexes.  It might sound mean to not include your married friend who’s temporarily single that night but include them in your next party.  Each invitee must bring a single friend of the opposite sex.  Someone they’re not remotely interested in romantically but who they think would make a great partner for someone else.  Ok, invites are sent, and now it’s time to decorate! Go ahead and use the traditional shape – hearts – but in bright colors, like turquoise, tangerine, and lemon.  It’s not so serious – but keep the candles white.

Nest Vanilla Candles. BUY NOW!!!
Nest Vanilla Candles. BUY NOW!!!

Plan food depending on the size of your party.  If it’s a bigger group (more than 20) you may want to only serve appetizers but, if it’s a smaller group you can fit around a big table (10-14), consider serving a sit-down dinner.  If you can do that at one big table – seat everyone boy/girl.  After every 15 minutes have the guys pick up their plates and glasses and move over one place.  It’s like speed dating for dinner and by the end everyone will have moved around and met a whole new group of people!  Be sure to use your good glassware and china!  It’s a party – make it a real celebration!  Depending on my mood that day I may use my glasses from Juliska or maybe only my Baccarat will do.

Baccarat Glassware. BUY NOW!
Baccarat Glassware. BUY NOW!

Always offer a signature cocktail as your guests arrive to get the party started.  A delicious and easy one using bubbles (my favorite) is: drop a few arils (pomegranate seeds – find them in the produce section of your market) in each champagne glass, add about 1 oz. of Pom pomegranate juice to each glass, then fill the glass with sparkling wine or champagne (one of my favorites is Schramsberg from Napa).  Be sure to use a Brut (dry) one – you don’t want it sweet.

Write a few “ice breakers” (What’s your favorite restaurant? / Do you like pets? / Where did you go on your last trip?) on pieces of paper, fold them and put them in a big bowl at the front door.  You only need 4-5 “ice breakers” – everyone will use the same ones.   Each guest picks one when they arrive.  They must meet at least 2 new people and use that “ice breaker” to start a conversation.  I know it sounds silly, but if everyone is doing it then everyone laughs and that’s great for a party!

So, this year have a party and celebrate all your single friends – you never know – there just might be some romance in the air!

The Lovely Fran Berger
The Lovely Fran Berger

About the Author: 

Fran Berger is an entrepreneur, lifestyle and home entertaining expert and a restaurateur. As a frequent media contributor, Fran shares and educates about the many creative ways that we can build and strengthen relationships; the way we can encourage interpersonal and intimate connections among those around us at mealtime. With her twenty-plus years of experience entertaining celebrities, family and friends in Beverly Hills as the founder of The Farm of Beverly Hills, and with her own personal life stories as a guide, she is passionate about sharing her unique food memories stored in her heart with others around the world; examples that epitomize the magnificently intimate as well as communal experience that enjoying food around the table can be.


Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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