How To Calculate Your Net Worth

How To Calculate Your Net Worth
How To Calculate Your Net Worth

Have you ever wondered exactly how much you’re worth? It’s a big question, and for some people with assets all over the world, it’s a big answer too. Every year Forbes magazine tries to calculate how much people are worth. For instance, they estimated back in 2016 that Donald Trump was worth more than $4.5 billion, a little under half what he claimed during the presidential campaign. And just recently, they’ve published a revised rich list of the world’s most wealthy people, with Bill Gates once again topping the list with an estimated net worth of more than $87 billion.

But what exactly is net worth? How is it calculated?

The answer is simple: it’s just your assets minus your liabilities. What’s more, there many tools online that help you calculate it., for instance, has an online calculator that allows you to punch in all your assets and liabilities, telling you what you’re worth overall. You can also use apps like Mint to track your personal net worth over time.

Why Knowing Your Net Worth Matters

In the realm of personal finance, knowing your net worth is akin to possessing a compass in uncharted waters. This metric, often overlooked or misunderstood, serves as your financial North Star, guiding you toward fiscal clarity and security. But why does it truly matter?

At its core, net worth is a comprehensive snapshot of your financial health. It’s the arithmetic result of subtracting your liabilities from your assets, presenting a tangible figure that can be positive, negative, or even neutral. However, its significance transcends mere digits.

Understanding your net worth provides a holistic view of your financial standing. It not only gauges your wealth but also mirrors your financial habits. For instance, if you’re diligently saving, investing, and reducing debt, your net worth tends to ascend. Conversely, reckless spending and excessive debt accumulation can send it plummeting.

Moreover, your net worth plays a pivotal role in setting and achieving financial goals. Whether you’re contemplating retirement, homeownership, or entrepreneurship, it acts as a measuring stick to track your progress. It guides you in making informed decisions about investments, debt management, and savings strategies.

In a broader context, similar principles apply to businesses, where corporate valuation services assist companies in comprehending their worth within the market. Ultimately, knowing your net worth empowers you to take control of your financial journey, steering it toward stability, growth, and prosperity.

Count Up Your Assets

Actually calculating your net worth is a little tricky. The value of some assets, like your house, might be quite easy to work out. However, the total sale value of businesses can be more difficult to price. In many cases, you’ll need professional guidance. Sites like provide business valuation services, giving you a better idea of what your business might be worth. To calculate your net worth, you first have to add up the value of all your assets. This includes the amount of money you’ve got stored in your checking account, as well as all the money you’ve saved up in savings and retirement accounts.

The next step is to add the value of your home. Remember, the value of your home will go up and down depending on market fluctuations. The best way to find out the value of your home is to look at how much other similar houses are selling in your area. You can also get a property expert to come and value the home if your house is particularly unusual in some way.

Finally, add up the value of all the items in your home. Focus on the things that you could sell in the event of an emergency, like gold coins and electronics. Finally, add the value of your business, your car, and the cash value of your life insurance.

Count Up Your Liabilities

Now that you’ve got your assets all added up, it’s time to work out your liabilities. Some common liabilities include things like credit card balances, student loans, all your other loans, and your mortgage.

Also, if you have your own business, don’t forget to include all your business liabilities from your business ledger too.

It’s worth reviewing your net worth on an annual basis. According to Colorado financial planner Linda Leitz, it can act as an incentive to get even richer than the following year, helping you to focus on reducing your debts or increasing your assets.


Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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