How to Add A Touch of Modern Luxury to Your Home

How to Add A Touch of Luxury to Your Home #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #touchofluxury #modern-dayluxuries #complementarycolors #houseplants #softfurnishing

Everyone is looking for that extra something when it comes to their homes, and adding a touch of luxury could be something that you are looking for. Although as with most things, it is a good idea to plan what you want, if you decide down the line that actually this isn’t right, it can cost an arm and a leg to put things right.


It is important to get the flooring right within your home to ascertain the desired look that you are trying to achieve and that once it is down, you do not have to rip it all up and get it redone due to choosing the wrong type of flooring.

Hardwood flooring is still by far the most desirable flooring that there is to have on the ground floor, whereas, in the bedrooms, a luxurious deep pile carpet to sink your toes into is seen as the height of luxury.


One of the most modern-day luxuries is having a Lutron Home Automation integration. Having a smart home regarding security, lights, entertainment, and even temperature can be controlled at either a touch of a button or, for the most luxurious feel of all, by voice activation. By hiring the services of Media Controlled LLC, you could make this dream a reality and bring your home storming into the 21st century while being the envy of all your friends and family. The ease and security that it will bring you are beyond compare, especially when you think that you can automate everything within your home even when you are away on vacation.

Finishing touches

It is no surprise to learn that the finishing touches turn a building into being home, and with the right choices, you can make even the smallest apartment seem like the most luxurious place on earth.

There should be plenty of soft furnishings, and try not to go too sparse with either your furniture or your ornaments. It is important to create interest and be comfortable within your own home.

The main thing is to get your color scheme right and then use complementary colors as well. Sticking purely to one color can give a stagnant feel whereas, having three colors with patterns mixed with florals and textures can be pleasing to the eye.

In small rooms, look to furniture that shows the floor as this will give a feeling of space rather than going for full-on blocky furniture that you can not see under. Do not forget the added benefit of having houseplants and flowers around the home. These are not only there to look nice but will also improve the air quality within your home.

Obviously, not everyone is good with plants or even has the know-how on where to start. In these cases, you do not need to go without. There are plenty of fake plants and flowers which can bring a touch of luxury color to your rooms. Though if you are looking at purchasing these, it is a good idea to see them first hand rather than buy straight from the internet as although some look fantastic, others look a lot less appealing and very false indeed.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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