Helpful Tips To Maintain a Successful Relationship

Tips to Avoid Divorce and Maintain a Successful Relationship
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Though divorce in the States is relatively common, it’s something many hope to avoid. Ideally you want to maintain a successful relationship for a lifetime. While between 40% and 50% of marriages end in divorce, that doesn’t have to necessarily be the case for you. If you’re hoping to avoid divorce, here are a few suggestions you can keep in mind as you handle your relationship. (Image Credit: Wayhomestudio/Freepik)


As much of a no-brainer as this is, it’s still very commonly overlooked, misunderstood, or forgotten about. Sometimes we think we have been communicating clearly, but the reality is different for the other person. Honest, direct communication can be difficult to achieve between partners, but once you’ve accomplished it, you can begin to work on your differences.

Being clear about your expectations and boundaries is crucial for a successful marriage. If something is bothering you that hasn’t been resolved, consider how you’re approaching the conversation. Are you being direct? Are you being considerate of their feelings? Your words hold power, so it’s important to consider how you use them. If you’re hoping to avoid a divorce later in life, be sure that you stick to your expectations and boundaries well once you’ve communicated them clearly.

Don’t Force Things at the Start of a Relationship

Another way you can avoid a divorce is by taking things slowly and not forcing anything. Give your relationships time to grow and time to evolve, especially before you lock it down with a ring. The longer you spend getting to know someone, the more confidently you will be able to decide if this is who you are going to marry. If having a life long successful relationship is your end goal, make sure you’ve really thought it through and made a well-advised decision before making such a commitment.

One way you can do this is by simply dating for longer or having a long engagement to feel things out. The average length of an engagement is 14 months, but that’s just over a year. A lot can happen in a year, but it’s still a relatively short period of time. If you want to be sure you’re not going to end up getting a divorce, then an extended engagement might be a great option for you. In this time, you can see what it would be like to be married, but not actually have signed the papers yet.

Consider Their Love Language

Another way to avoid a divorce, which is technically a dissolution of marriage, is to consider your partner’s love languages and cater to them. This can help you to avoid a divorce because your partner (and you, if they do the same) will both feel loved and valued. Your love languages help identify how you best receive and give love. Once you know these things, you can be more intentional about the ways you care for another. Divorces typically result as a consequence of one or more partners not feeling loved or valued. By focusing on how you care for your partner, you can better ensure that they know how much you love and care about them, and your willingness to show it in specific ways.

While divorce is something most everyone wants to avoid, sometimes it is the best thing for you to do. If you find yourself in that situation, do not feel ashamed. Relationships ending is not always a bad thing. After all, relationships can be difficult to maneuver. These relationship tips should help you to make the right decisions.

Timothy Beck Werth was born on the Fourth of July. He studied journalism, film, and radio at the University of Southern California. Previously, he worked as a reporter and copywriter in Los Angeles.
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