Fashion World: J&R Artisan Fashion

Fashion World: J&R Artisan Fashion #beverlyhillsmagazine #beverlyhills #fashion #style #fashionworld #jrartisanfashion #shoes

If you are looking for new designer products with a touch of edgy flair, then the J&R Artisan Fashion clothing items might just be perfect for you. The brand was founded recently by Jad Stephanou. He grew up in the United States, but spent a number of years living abroad. During this time, he was able to see fashion from all around the world; the influence of this is clearly seen through his designs. One of Stephanou’s biggest inspirations is the fashion designer Stella McCartney, who is also famous for using sustainable materials in her designs.

Luxury Ethical Fashion

One thing that sets J&R Artisan Fashion apart from other fashion brands is the way the brand makes their clothing. Every piece of clothing, from the jackets down to the shoes, are made in an ethical and sustainable way. For example, all of the brand’s cotton, leather, and polyester are sourced in a fair way. At the same time, the materials are still high-quality. Many of the clothing pieces are even made by hand! Unlike some clothing brands which have their work forces based in third-world countries, J&R Artisan Fashion is based in Florence, so customers can shop comfortably, knowing that the makers of their clothing are being paid a fair wage.


Artistic Partnerships

Every piece of clothing made by J&R Artisan Fashion has a unique story behind it, and the stories behind the pieces made through their various artistic partnerships are even more exceptional. Even though the designs are made by different artists, they tend to stick to a theme. J&R Artisan Fashion aims to have a minimalistic but edgy vibe. For this reason, some of their most popular clothing items have graffiti-like sketches on them.


Magazine Features

The J&R Artisan Fashion brand has been able to rapidly grow their fame, in part, because they have been featured in magazines many times in the past couple of years. Their APPEAL TEE was featured in the Matt’s Edit x GQ Middle East magazine. Of course, this helped to make the shirt even more popular among customers. The brand’s newest shoe line has also been mentioned in The Fox Magazine. This magazine also went on to highlight the brand’s sustainable clothing-making practices and its charitable causes.


Newest Fashions

J&R Artisan Fashion’s newest fashion line comes in the form of designer shoes. Like many of the brand’s other fashion designs, these shoes stick to the graffiti-like pattern the brand is famous for. The three best new designs include $aint, Deeds Not Words and EGO! With sales in August 2020, the designs range in cost from $75 to $225. As such, they have a fairly reasonable price for designer shoes.


Keep in Touch

If you want to keep up to date with everything that J&R Artisan Fashion is up to, make sure to follow their Instagram account @thinkjrfashion. Also, throughout the month of August 2020, 6% of all of their proceeds will be going to charity, including the Doctors Without Borders. So, you can feel great while wearing J&R Artisan Fashion’s designs, knowing that you are supporting sustainable designs and a good cause to boot.


Hannah Jaehnig is a professional freelance creative writer. She has been writing professionally since 2014 and writing for entertainment for much longer! She has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing with a minor in History. She hopes to one day publish a fiction book. In the meantime, she’ll write about fashion!
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