Can You Get a Chemical Peel for Dark Spots?

Can You Get a Chemical Peel for Dark Spots? #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #chemicalpeels #darkspot #chemicalfacialpeel #professionaldermatologiest #beautytrends
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Are dark spots disrupting your otherwise clear skin? Are they starting to get more common as you age? If so, you’re not alone.

An estimated 90% of light-skinned people develop dark spots by the age of 60. People with darker skin tones can develop these dark spots, too, although they often aren’t as widespread or noticeable.

These days, there seem to be skin treatments for everything. Can you use a chemical peel for dark spots? How can you achieve the best results?

Read on to learn everything you need to know about using chemical facial peels to treat dark spots.

What Are Dark Spots?

Dark spots are more accurately known as hyperpigmentation. They become noticeable due to an overproduction of the pigment, melanin.

Most of the time, dark spots result from overexposure to the sun. In fact, this is the same thing that happens when you develop that bronzed tan in the summer. The more time you spend tanning (or burning, as the case may be), the more likely you are to end up with dark spots later in life.

Melanin starts to overproduce in an attempt to protect your skin from UV exposure, but most people don’t appreciate the end result.

When Should You Be Concerned?

The kind of dark spot we’ve described above isn’t a cause for concern in the sense that they aren’t dangerous. Some people also develop what is called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which darkens the skin in areas that were recently inflamed (think anywhere that you’ve popped a pimple or scratched a bug bite). This, too, is not a cause for alarm, although you may not like the appearance.

The good news is that if you’re worried about signs of skin cancer, there are several key differences between a dark spot and a melanoma. Melanoma are raised, though they have jagged or blurred edges, and they tend to change in size and texture over time. Dark spots are flat and tend to remain the same brown-grey color, though they may darken as the years go by.

Can You Use a Chemical Peel for Dark Spots?

Many people want to get rid of their dark spots without simply covering them up with foundation or concealer every day. Are chemical peels the answer?

The short answer is that yes, using a chemical peel can improve the appearance of dark spots. They do so by dissolving skin cells on the surface of the skin and encouraging rapid cell turnover. In other words, they can remove those hyper-pigmented skin cells while facilitating the growth of new skin cells.

What to Expect from Chemical Facial Peels

If you’ve never used a chemical facial peel before, you may find the name off-putting. Are you actually going to notice any “peeling” action?

The chemicals in a chemical facial peel are acids, and they’re gentler than you might think. In fact, you’re not going to see any skin cells sloughing off your face when you use a chemical peel, although that is what’s happening.

Don’t be discouraged by slow results. Over-the-counter chemical peels used on a regular basis cause dark spots to fade gradually. This gradual process gives your skin time to heal between each use so that you’re not left with any irritation.

How to Get the Best Results

Before you run out and buy the first product labeled “chemical peel” that you see, it’s important to learn a little more about how they work. Proper usage, including buying the right products, yields the best results. Take a look at these handy tips on how to treat hyperpigmentation using chemical peels.

Visit a Professional

Nothing can beat the care of a professional dermatologist. This Upper East Side dermatologist, for example, offers a wide range of services including chemical peels that provide more thorough exfoliation than what you can buy over the counter. If you want faster results and access to products catered toward your specific skin type, professional care is the way to go.

Avoid Exfoliating Scrubs

Chemical peels do exfoliate the skin, but you shouldn’t confuse them with facial “scrubs” that contain small beads or other facial irritants. Though a chemical peel may sound more intense, it’s gentler on the skin than these old-school scrubs. In fact, overusing an exfoliating scrub can cause dryness, exacerbate conditions like eczema, and speed up aging due to the wear and tear they cause.

Look for BHA and AHA

If you do plan on perusing your local skincare outlet, look for products that contain BHA (beta-hydroxy acid) and AHA (alpha-hydroxy acid). Make sure you’re using these products no more than once a day as overuse can damage the surface layer of your skin, causing redness, irritation, and dryness. When you’re trying to undo years of damage in the making, stay patient and trust that with time, you’ll start to see results.

Wear Sunscreen

Remember, sun exposure is most likely what caused dark spots to form, in the first place.

If you’re still not wearing sunscreen every day (yes, even when it’s overcast), those dark spots will return. Plus, regular cell turnover makes your skin more vulnerable to sun exposure, which means that SPF is crucial when you’re using a chemical peel.

Say Goodbye to Dark Spots

Dark spots may not cause harm, but that doesn’t mean you have to like them or live with them. Many people have had success using a chemical peel for dark spots as long as they’re using the right products and methods.

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Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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