8-Step Strategy To Get More Instagram Followers

8-Step Strategy To Get More #Instagram Followers #business #success #marketing #socialmedia #instagram #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #motivation #beverlyhills #bevhillsmag #beverlyhillsmagazine #inspiration
8-Step Strategy To Get More #Instagram Followers #business #success #marketing #socialmedia #instagram #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #motivation #beverlyhills #bevhillsmag #beverlyhillsmagazine #inspiration

Want the engagement you’ve been promised by opening an Instagram account? It all starts with getting more Instagram followers. With each fan, you’ll increase your reach and make a stronger impression as a brand. Here’s an 8-step strategy you can use for increasing your following.

8-Step Strategy To Get More #Instagram Followers #business #success #marketing #socialmedia #instagram #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #motivation #beverlyhills #bevhillsmag #beverlyhillsmagazine #inspiration

  1. Get High-Quality Instagram Followers With Targeted Automation

There are Instagram accounts that exist for the sole purpose of being purchased. Their following can increase your numbers automatically, spreading your brand and making your brand look better to new followers.

The purchasing of Instagram followers is somewhat of a controversial subject. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not illegal to buy instagram followers, but it’s usually not the best idea. It is technically against Instagram’s terms of service agreement. But you can get real Instagram followers with automation through reputable companies like SocialCaptain.

  1. Set Measurable Goals

No Instagram strategy is complete without a set of high-quality goals that are easy to measure and define. You can’t hope to feel any measure of success if you don’t know where you are and where you’re going.

With your followers, typically, a good goal is to start with 10,000. These are arguably your most difficult to obtain because people don’t know who you are yet. After you’ve achieved this number, set your goal at 100,000 and beyond. With consistent strategies, you shouldn’t have any problem maintaining this momentum! Also Read: How to See Someone’s Likes on Instagram (In Secret!)

8-Step Strategy To Get More #Instagram Followers #business #success #marketing #socialmedia #instagram #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #motivation #beverlyhills #bevhillsmag #beverlyhillsmagazine #inspiration

  1. Buy Advertising on Instagram

Instagram has a prolific advertising platform that puts your posts in front of a targeted audience. Many believe it’s infinitely more effective than traditional advertising.

“It’s definitely worth putting in the time [and money],” Pete Halvorsen, a popular photographer specializing in surf and scenery told USA Today. Halvorson dropped just $30 on a special advertisement targeted to a specific audience when he posted photos from a visit to Hong Kong. “I ended up picking up 600 new followers in 3 days,” he says.

The same can be true for you. Instagram marketing is specifically targeted to an audience that you hand-pick. Even if only one of Halvorson’s new 600 followers buy a print, his advertising effort will have more than paid for itself.

  1. Use Hashtags to Promote Your Posts

The use of hashtags is one of the most powerful tools for attracting followers. It helps users to find content that’s most valuable to them. If you haven’t put a lot of stock in hashtags in the past, now is the time to up your game and generate more followers as a result.

Try using several popular and famous hashtags that are relevant to your post and your products and services. Try to be creative and clever, as this will enhance each post and endear more followers to you. Try to be creative and clever, as this will enhance each post and endear more followers to you.

  1. Make a Good Impression with Your Profile

Did you know that when a person meets you, they’ll form an impression within the first 15 seconds? The same goes for your Instagram profile. Impressions can change, but it takes a lot of work, so it’s important to get it right the first time.

Crafting an Instagram profile that consumers will engage with is all about filling out your bio fully, optimizing it for search, and relying on consistent branding.

“Your name should be the one your business is most commonly known by, to avoid any confusion,” according to the HuffPost. “Your profile picture should be aesthetically pleasing, and should scale down well, so it’s striking and coherent at a small size. Keep in mind that that the eventual picture displayed will be circular. And finally, your bio should give the viewer an idea about what your brand does and what its personality is like.”

You also need a link to your website. You might consider changing this link regularly to direct traffic to specific webpages. Choose a link that will provide the most valuable content and create an excellent opportunity to get more followers on Instagram.

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  1. Use Instagram Stories and Live Videos

Instagram Stories is the latest feature that the platform’s users love. As they scroll through their friends’ stories, they also see posts from businesses. If you provide a high-value highlight, they’ll engage immediately rather than swiping past it.

“One look at Snapchat’s explosion in popularity demonstrates that social media users are clearly responding positively to ephemeral photo and video sharing,” explains Lindsay Kolowich of Hubspot. “Instagram Stories let brands engage with users in different ways to cultivate brand loyalty and appeal.”

Live video is another trend that’s not going away anytime soon. It’s incredibly beneficial for businesses because it helps to humanize your brand.

“What’s unique about live videos on Instagram? They disappear when users stop filming,” Kolowich continues. “This authentic, bi-directional experience lets brands share unscripted, raw moments with their audience to incorporate human elements into a social media platform that’s highly edited and polished in its traditional use.”

You can use live video to present new products, show how to use certain products, take a behind-the-scenes look at your business, or share a funny or informative bit. Followers love this personal touch, and they’re more likely to follow your brand as a result.

  1. Be an Active Account Holder

There’s nothing worse for an Instagram account holder than posting a piece of content and never going back. Consumers get on Instagram for the express purpose of interacting with others, whether it’s their friends or a business. If they make a comment, they want recognition. You should also respond to all messages in a timely manner and occasionally reach out to users who express interest in your brand. People love to be recognized!

Additionally, when brands and influencers follow you, follow them back. This provides you excellent opportunities to engage in conversations in your industry. You can provide valuable insights that will attract new followers to your page.

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  1. Cross-Promote Your Instagram Account

Assuming you have a well-founded company with great products and/or services, people will want to follow you. They just have to be able to find you. Cross-promotion, both on other social media platforms as well as through other forms of advertising, will make your account visible.

“Creating visibility and awareness is one of the best ways to get discovered,” says Alex York of Sprout Social. “If you truly want to get more Instagram followers, let people know where to find you. You could add social media buttons to your website and blog to help promote social shares across all your networks as well as show people where to find you on Instagram.”

From there, it’s only a matter of time before Instagram followers come crawling out of the woodwork, seeking recognition from your brand because of the value and unique content you’ve provided.

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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