8 Instagram Video Marketing Tips You Must Know

8 Instagram Video Marketing Tips You Must Know #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #instagramvideomarketing #paidinstagramads #instagrammarketingstrategy #digitalplatform #socialmedia #videomarketingstrategies

Instagram is a magic pot of digital platforms to help you achieve your business goals. It has evolved from being a mere social media platform. Instagram is more of a professional place today. The social platform has given birth to millions of businesses that thrived and made a phenomenal market position. You are using Social Media the right way for your business if you create an active engagement on Instagram. 

Video content is ruling the Instagram World. It was once only a photo-sharing platform. But today, videos over Instagram are capturing the majority of attention. You need to plan and develop your video marketing strategies to gain reach and engagement on Instagram. Here are eight definite tips to get your video marketing on point. 

1. Keep the videos short. 

You can create videos for your Instagram profile. But always remember to cut it short. It’s important to understand that viewers are overwhelmed with content. You are just another brand trying to reach on their feed. Hence, limit the video length to a maximum of 30 seconds. Doing so would ensure that the video gets viewed and its message conveyed. 

IGTV allows you to upload a video for up to 60 minutes. However, this doesn’t mean you go on and create a full-fledged movie for your viewers. Keep the content of the videos short. Summarise everything through crisp content, attractive visuals and eye-catching motions. Instead of going with IGTV content, they produce more and more reels. If and only if you have something phenomenal to show or speak, move to IGTV. 

2. Create subtitles. 

Statistics reveal that 83% of viewers view videos without sound. Here you can lose viewers if your videos don’t have subtitles. Besides, subtitles help to convey a message. All it takes is a few minutes to add subtitles to your videos. Get your hands on any online video editor and add the text to the video. Ensure easy readability while choosing the fonts, style, size and colour. Also, ensure that the speed of the subtitles corresponds to the audio and video speed. 

3. Tag the products in your video. 

Instagram offers this excellent feature to tag your products using the shoppable posts feature. Tag your products in the video and gain phenomenal sales and outreach as a brand. When it’s easy to click and view the product, viewers tend to make quick decisions. Brands have reported an increase in traffic and sales by more than 100% when they start using the shoppable posts feature. 

Tagging your products is how you place your video marketing strategy to the right results. 

4. Create thumbnails for your videos. 

A thumbnail is quite essential when the viewers have their autoplay turned off. It creates curiosity and entices the viewers to view the video. As they say, the first impression decides everything. A great thumbnail will pursue the viewer to click open the video. Well, it will ultimately get you more views.  

Again it takes a few minutes to create a thumbnail. Pick any online video editor, use their ready-to-use template and enter the overlay text to match your video. As simple as that. 

5. Get influencers on board.

Influencers marketing is a thing of potent importance now. Get in touch with the influencers that resonate with your brand. Work out a way that works for both of you. You can either work on a collaboration basis or even pay influencers to market the products for you.

It’s easy to find influencers doing phenomenal work and having a considerable following. Brands have, time and again, made collaborations with influencers to get their product sales high and brand reach profound. With influencers marketing, your video marketing strategy would be more effective. Since it is the task of influencers to lead and guide their followers, they will have a better knack at creating video content that is rich and powerful. You will get more organic traffic and conversions than a self-advertising model. 

6. Work on your captions

Captions are as important a part of video posting as creating a video. Since we are limiting the content in our video, a caption can guide the viewers thoroughly. A caption can be an elaboration of video content or a CTA to get conversions. 

  • For a recipe video, the caption could contain detailed recipe instructions.
  • A styling video should have a caption describing the products used and places to buy those products. 
  • A lifestyle video should have a caption with elaborated details on the contents of the video. 
  • A travel video can contain package or contact details. 
  • An educational video can contain links to detailed youtube videos. 

Your caption should be much more than the aesthetic use of words. It should be helpful to get your desired response. 

7. Paid Instagram ads

Use videos in your paid Instagram ads. Videos convert more and get definite more views. Create a customised video highlighting the brand’s USP and maintain a conversational tone. Use videos to entice people to come and visit your profile. You can also use product videos in the carousel to gain maximum traction. Show the usefulness and popularity of your product. People will surely come and visit you if you have something meaningful to offer them. 

8. Host live videos

It’s the best way to help people find relevance with you: host live seminars, webinars or interactions over your Instagram page. Extend your reach as a brand by helping people out. Here are a few ideas for live videos. 

  • Cook a dish together for a cooking channel or food products. 
  • Fashion house hosting a styling seminar.
  • Nutritionists can offer healthy diet tips. 
  • A gym trainer can offer a live workout class. 
  • A dermal firm can address common skincare questions.
  • A launch of the new product. 
  • Detailed webinar on how to use technology. 

The ideas are just endless. You can enhance the reach of your brand with such active contests. 

The possibilities with Instagram Marketing strategies are just endless. You can grow your sales, increase your brand awareness, reach new target audiences and be a brand that people know of. Start using these Instagram Video Marketing strategies for your business right away. 

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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