6 Celebrity Self-Care Tips Worth Practicing

6 Celebrity Self-Care Tips Worth Practicing #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #self-caretips #celebrities #drinkmorewater #healthyskincareroutine #self-carepractice
Image Used With Permission By Madison Inouye on Pexels

Celebrities are just like you, aren’t they? This would mean they understand the struggle and stress of going through daily challenges and the need to put aside time to rejuvenate and take care of themselves. In today’s fast-moving climate, getting caught amid the chaos is easy, causing you to make little to no time for yourself. Self-care allows you to take mindful measures to improve your physical and mental well-being. And when you do want to practice self-care, you are often left wondering what to do! Naturally, you may wonder how your favorite booked and busy celebrities make the time to give themselves the attention they need despite their probably extremely busy schedules. Fortunately, celebrity self-care tips aren’t their best-kept secrets, so you can learn some tips and tricks to prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here are six celebrity self-care tips you should know about and consider practicing this year. 


Let’s be honest: the life of a celebrity is no easy task! From dealing with huge demands in their respective fields to navigating through the stress of the paparazzi and social media drama, it’s safe to say the life of a celebrity is riddled with stress. Not addressing stress can cause several physical and mental health issues. Celebrities such as the “royal couple” Prince Harry and Meghan Meghan, who should know something about stress, vouch that meditation is a great way to cure your body and mind of stress. 

Meditation alters the brainwaves to cultivate different physical, emotional, and mental responses. During meditation, your body is placed in deep relaxation and a peaceful mind. This helps you stay focused on eliminating and unscrambling the thoughts and emotions that could be causing your stress. This process can significantly improve your overall wellbeing. To ensure your meditation is effective, you need a quiet and peaceful environment, a comfortable temperature, lighting, and little to no distractions. You can get this by allocating a portion of your home to create a luxurious meditation space. You can also meditate in scenic, serene, and luxurious outdoor locations, adding to the experience for effective results. 

Staying hydrated

One of the self-care tips several celebrities such as Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz swear by is drinking lots of water.  And for good reason! Researchers have shown that drinking water has several benefits, like boosting energy, supporting healthy blood flow, improving skin health, and helping the body eliminate harmful toxins. Further studies also show that daily activities such as sleeping, moving about, and breathing cause the body to lose water. When this happens, there is a need to replace this water to avoid issues such as dehydration. Dehydration can harm your overall health as it can negatively affect your mood or cause cognitive challenges. Experts recommend consuming an average of  2.7 to 3.7 liters daily to adequately hydrate your body. However, this is easier said than done. If you find this difficult to follow, you can adopt Tessa Thompson’s practical strategies, such as carrying a fancy cute bottle with you all day, like her bedazzled Collina Stranda bottle. She says, looking at the bottle reminds her to take a sip throughout the day! She also advises keeping a glass carafe and cup by her bedside, filling it each night before bed. This has helped her drink more water. 

Avoid excessive drinking and smoking

Ever wondered what 53-year-old Jennifer Lopez’s secret to looking young and healthy is? One of them is keeping away from drinking and smoking. In addition to ensuring your skin is supple, radiant, and healthy, avoiding excessive drinking and smoking is a great way to take good of yourself. Usually, an occasional glass of wine or beer would not cause significant problems to your health. However, regular and excessive alcohol consumption can put you at risk of severe health conditions such as memory problems, liver diseases, and high blood pressure. Smoking also causes detrimental health conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), stroke, and diabetes. Therefore, to take care of your well-being, implement this self-care practice. It is important to remember that cutting down on these habits takes time, so you should be patient and gradually reduce this unhealthy habit. 

Develop a healthy skincare routine 

It is impossible to talk about skincare without making mention of healthy skin. There are several reasons why taking the time to care for your skin is a form of self-care practice. For instance, a skincare routine offers stability which plays a major role in alleviating negative emotions such as depression. By practicing skin care, you pamper your skin and try new products that can achieve your desired results. It is also soothing as you get to. According to the musician and ever-so-young Frank Ocean, following a skincare routine makes him feel more confident and beautiful inside his skin. Skin practices may differ from one person to another. All that matters is that you take the time to treat your skin. You can research easy-to-make facial masks that would resolve various skin issues, such as reducing oily skin, removing spots and blemishes, or enhancing the glow of your skin. Others would prefer to visit professionals to be consulted on their skin. Seeking expert help would ensure you get the right solutions to your problems. For your skincare routine to be helpful and effective, you should be conscious of following it religiously both day and night. 

Visit health professionals regularly 

Sometimes, to get the best self-care results, you need the help of others, such as your doctors. Regular visits to your doctor serve as a proactive and preventive measure. This contributes greatly to ensuring you are in tip-top condition— the aim of self-care. Routine screenings such as mammograms, colonoscopies, and annual physicals are important to ensure your health is in good condition and get early treatment when needed. Regular visits also ensure you get the needed evaluations to determine and assess health risks accordingly. However, your visits to your healthy professionals shouldn’t focus only on your physical wellbeing. Consulting your health professionals regularly also gives you peace of mind. But how is this so? Not knowing your health status, options, or advice on what to do in certain health situations can make you stressed and panic. Fortunately, these are avoided when visiting your doctors regularly, as you can ask your questions for expert advice, solutions, or recommendations. For example, if you are looking to reverse the effects of aging, you may want to consult your doctor on the right procedures, what to expect, prices, reputable institutions, and so on. 

Visiting health professionals regularly, including a doctor for jaw pain, if you experience any, is essential not only for maintaining good oral health but also for your overall well-being. Regular consultations provide a proactive approach to ensure you’re in good condition and addressing health concerns early. Scheduling an appointment with your doctor offers peace of mind, ensuring you receive expert advice and guidance.

When visiting your healthcare professionals, be sure to also focus on other aspects of your health, such as your emotional and mental health. This is where you need to attend therapy. Several celebrities, such as Laverne Cox, have noted that therapy is an all-important form of self-care. During therapy sessions, you learn more about yourself and your world. This plays a major role in increasing your self-confidence and overall love for yourself. On other occasions, therapy has helped ease stress by creating a space that allows healing and insight and ensures a healthy and balanced life.    

Take off days

Renowned talk show host and author Oprah Winfrey stands by the self-care routine of taking some days off for yourself. And if celebrities can do it, so can you!  Taking days off to be alone is healthier than you may have been led to believe. In today’s digital space, social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram contribute to your social world. However, these social platforms can be quite stressful, often leaving you exhausted and stressed. Therefore, you should consider taking a social media hiatus when taking your days off. There are several benefits of being alone. For example, when you spend time alone, you are free of judgment to try things that you may have otherwise been uncomfortable with in a group. It also boosts your creativity and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, spending some time alone allows you to know yourself better. As you get to know yourself, you increase your confidence, accept yourself for who you are, increase self-love, and improve body image, to mention a few benefits. Last, but not least, taking some time off allows you to heighten your emotional intelligence as you become more self-aware and adequately reflect on your emotions. 

During such a time, there’s so much you can do! You can learn from Snoop Dogg, who enjoys treating himself to manicures, or David Beckham, who ensures he is always well-groomed. Selena Gomez uses her off days to catch up on sleep by taking nice, much-needed naps. Or perhaps, if you love cooking and baking, you can take on after Viola Davies to spend your time in your kitchen unwinding and preparing meals you can enjoy with friends and family. If you have furry friends, you can take on Jennifer Ainston’s practice of spending time with her dogs. No matter your means of spending time alone, it is important to remember that the key to enjoying your time alone is engaging in activities that make you happy, stress-free, and in the moment. 

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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