5 Ways to Stay Cool During Summer

5 Ways to Stay Cool During Summer #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #summer #enjoyingsummer #loose-fitclothes #airconditioner #stayhydrated
5 Ways to Stay Cool During Summer #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #summer #enjoyingsummer #loose-fitclothes #airconditioner #stayhydrated

When it comes to seasons, you’re either a summer or a winter person; there isn’t really anything in between. While each season has its pros and cons, dealing with summer’s can be a bit more complicated. We have the beaches and pools to enjoy in summer, true, but for an average day of commuting and working, it can be a living hell. Unfortunately, there isn’t much we can do about it. Seasons change and we have to adapt. The best you could do is keep yourself cool during the summer and hope it will quickly pass. Here’s how you can do that. (Image Credit: Freepik)

 1. Wear the Right Clothes

In case you didn’t already know it, clothing makes a lot of difference in how you would feel during the summer mornings in particular. You need to wear loose-fitting clothes so you could avoid your body overheating. It might not be as fashionable, but when it comes to summer, it’s best to be cool and comfortable rather than stylish and exhausted by the heat. Moreover, always go for light colors in the morning. Clothes of light color reflect the scorching rays of the sun, while dark-colored clothes absorb them. The more heat your clothes absorb, the hotter you will feel. This is why it is always preferable to wear light-colored clothes in summer. 

2. Have Your AC Checked

It goes without saying that you should invest in air conditioners if you don’t already have any. If you do, however, have ACs, then when summer comes, you need to have them checked. Your ACs might have suffered some malfunctions over the winter months when they’re off, which could hinder the performance when it’s time to turn them on. As explained on performancebasedheatingandair.com/service-repair/, air conditioner repairs and maintenance include inspection of the coolant level and pressure, checking and adjusting the thermostat, making sure the evaporator coil works fine, and other checks that aim to ensure your ACs are working perfectly to keep you cool in summer. 

 3. Keep It Simple in the Kitchen

Nothing ramps up the heat inside a house on a summer day like cooking. Using the oven and the stove to make meals adds a ton of humidity and heat to the house, which increases the moisture and condensation levels inside the whole space and could make you feel exhausted and even cause allergies at times. You obviously need to eat, but the key here is minimizing the usage of the ovens and stoves. You could keep it simple to make your life easier during the summer. Instead of roasted chicken and stews, you can make salads, cold meats, and sandwiches. You should also eat a lot of fruit in summer since fruit doesn’t require any cooking and it has a cooling effect. Summer is also great for barbecues, which are done outdoors so you won’t have to turn the house into an oven. 

4. Stay Hydrated

Nothing is more important than staying hydrated in summer. Dehydration can cause a lot of serious problems, and your body loses electrolytes faster in hot conditions, which is why you need to replenish them. More importantly, water has a cooling effect on your body. When you are properly hydrated, your body stays regulated and its temperature doesn’t fluctuate as much. Hydration is also key for a sound heart. When you drink water regularly, it becomes much easier for the heart to pump blood, and that means the heart doesn’t have to work twice as hard in the already exhausting conditions of the summer. 

5. Check Home Insulation

One of the easiest ways for heat to infest your home is through weak insulation. It is always a good idea to check your home’s insulation regularly so you could keep a regular and controlled temperature inside the place. You should also know that insulation doesn’t just serve to keep the heat out of your place in summer; it also works to keep the cold air inside your house from escaping. So, have the external insulation checked by licensed professionals so you could be certain there aren’t any cracks or other faults. Remember to check windows and doors so you could seal any gaps there to stop the air from going in or out of the cracks. 

Heat is not something to be taken lightly. Subjecting yourself to extreme heat can result in heatstroke and in some cases even death. This is why you need to exercise caution and take as many precautions as you can. Drink a lot of water, and avoid exposing your body to extreme summer heat so you could stay safe. 

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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