5 Foolproof Strategies for Winning Child Custody

5 Foolproof Strategies for Winning Child Custody #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #jointcustody #childcustody #divorce #custodycase

Getting a divorce is never easy. It can be even more challenging if there are children involved. In that case, child custody is the most crucial issue that you will need to deal with. However, getting a satisfying custody outcome is no easy task. In fact, it takes careful strategizing and planning things out with your child custody solicitors.

In most cases, judges lean toward shared custody. The cases that involve domestic violence or other circumstances that might end up putting the child in danger seem to be the only exception to that rule.

But how should you prepare for the trial? If you want the answer to that question, then keep reading! In this article, you will find some tips on how to win custody of your child.

Redefine Winning

Some parents think that winning a custody battle means getting sole custody of the child. However, judges are more likely to give joint custody. They want children to spend time with both parents whenever possible.

It does not mean that you should accept 50/50 custody, but applying for sole custody may sometimes hurt your chances. Some of the most important factors correlated to a child’s well-being in custody trials concern the proximity of parents’ homes (the closer, the better) and how both parents get along with each other.

As you can see, in some cases, it is wiser to be the bigger person and apply only for a part of custody. It is better to ask the court to limit the frequency of the visits of your ex-partner than wanting to be the only parent.

Be Polite to Your Ex

People get a divorce when they no longer get along. After something like this, it may be hard to talk to each other and be polite all the time. It can help if you remembered that seeing parents hating each other may harm the child’s delicate mental state.

It is crucial to stay calm even when your ex-partner is lashing out at you. Having witnesses of your ex’s aggressive behavior may help you convince the judge that choosing you to be the only parent is the better option here.

On top of that, you should be careful when it comes to what you say to your child. One of the worst things you can do is bad-mouthing the other parent.

Small children may not be able to understand what you mean, and they can pass that on to the court psychologist by saying something like, “My mommy said that…,” and then put you in a lost position.

Lastly, you should avoid texting insults or making negative posts about your ex. This will only provide potential evidence against you. Instead, you should show the court that everything that you are doing is for your child’s benefit.

Watch Out for Your Ex’s Mistakes

While you shouldn’t be bad-mouthing your ex’s minor mistakes, it may be beneficial to keep track of any significant negative behavior. It can include things like negative social media posts, messages to friends in which your ex is calling you names, any attempts to alienate you from your children, or actions that interfere with your time with kids. It can be incredibly helpful when it comes to winning child custody!

Create a Parenting Plan

Custody battles are often won or lost during separation. Fortunately, you can avoid it altogether by creating a parenting plan. A parenting plan should explain how you and your ex share child-rearing responsibilities.

Such a plan includes an explanation of your custody arrangements, visitation schedule, and rules of co-parenting. If you fall into a default 50/50 arrangement, the chances are that the judge will be eager to maintain a status quo.

The best thing you can do is to seek time with your child aggressively. Try to be the person who stays at home when the child is there, always takes it to classes, and helps with hobbies. If you are moving out from the shared house, try to take your kid with you. Do everything to spend the majority of time with your child.

Gather Positive Support

Don’t focus on what your ex is doing wrong. Instead, focus on what you are doing right. Gather evidence that shows that you were always a better parent. For example, you can ask the teachers to write a statement that they’ve seen you at school on most occasions.

The Bottom Line

In most cases, the judges consider joint custody to be the best option for a child. As a result, if you want to win sole custody, you have to have undeniable evidence that the other parent is not that great at parenting. Otherwise, you can harm your case.

Every custody case is different, and your best strategy has to be tailored to our specific situation. It would be best if you considered contacting your attorneys in order to come up with the best plan possible. Never forget that you should do it in the child’s best interest, so forget about disputes with your ex and focus on your child’s well-being instead!

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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