4 Ways Electronic Health Records are Shaping The Healthcare Industry 

4 Ways Electronic Health Records are Shaping The Healthcare Industry  #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #medicalrecords #electronichealthrecords #EHRs #medicalhistory
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Many medical practices have integrated electronic health records (EHR) into their facilities. Those that haven’t are missing out on the many benefits EHR software brings, including improved patient care, accessibility, and security.

Here are 4 ways EHRs are shaping the medical industry.

1. They Provide Accurate & Updated Information

EHRs were originally created as an alternative to paper records. They’re a digital version of a patient’s chart that can quickly be accessed online.

Previously, when a patient’s medical records needed to be accessed, healthcare workers found themselves sifting through dozens of file folders to find the record they were looking for.

With electronic health records, storing and accessing patient information takes seconds. Health professionals can locate and update patient data in real time, which gives anyone working with the patient the most accurate, up-to-date information.

Another great advantage of EHR software is that if the patient were to switch providers, their medical record could easily be transferred over. This greatly improves doctor-patient relationships across the board.

2. They Reduce The Risk Of Theft

Unfortunately, there have been too many cases involving medical history being stolen. Cybercriminals are always looking for ways to get their hands on sensitive data. They’ll then use this data to obtain prescriptions under your name, open credit accounts, or blackmail you.

Electronic health records reduce the chances of security breaches. Digitally storing your records is much safer than paper copies. Anyone can take a file from a drawer, but it becomes much more difficult when these files are encrypted online.

Also, most EHR providers have security practices in place to avoid breaches like these from happening. This gives patients and healthcare providers peace of mind that their records are safe.

3. They Offer Improved Accessibility

EHRs give healthcare specialists and patients improved access to their health records. Gone are the days when patients needed to make a trip to their clinic to look at their files. Thanks to EHRs, they’re able to view their medical records from the comfort of their home.

The same holds true for doctors. Through the use of electronic health records, they’ll have a patient’s medical history in seconds. This provides streamlined, more enjoyable experiences for everyone involved.

Through this improved accessibility, doctor-patient relationships will be improved. They’ll be able to communicate with each other and access important data at the touch of a button. Moreover, using a telehealth cart that is both ergonomic and user-friendly can significantly improve the patient-doctor communication process. With video conferencing and remote monitoring capabilities, healthcare workers can provide more patient care options and conduct virtual check-ins without compromising the quality of care. This technology-enhanced approach can enhance the patient experience and streamline healthcare operations while maintaining high-quality care standards.

4. They Give Patients Better Care

Perhaps the most significant benefit is EHRs help healthcare providers give their patients better care.

Patients want to be treated quickly and efficiently. Healthcare workers also want an easy way to stay up-to-date with patients. Electronic health records make this possible. It offers doctors a quick way to access patient medical records and address any concerns. In turn, the patient will get more efficient care and enjoy an overall positive experience.

Finally, patients will have access to their entire medical data, including:

  • Doctors notes
  • Medications
  • Diagnoses
  • Lab and imaging results
  • And more!

If the patient were to move locations and have to switch providers, these records would follow them to their new location. This will save them the trouble of having to go over their medical history with their new provider.

Final Thoughts

Electronic health records are shaping the healthcare industry for the better. It provides both doctors and patients with up-to-date, accurate information. This software also reduces the risk of theft, improves accessibility to records, and offers patients better care.

With the positive effect EHRs have had on the healthcare system; we don’t see mounds of paper files returning anytime soon.

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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