4 Easy & Perfect Proposal Ideas

4 Easy & Perfect Proposal Ideas #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #bevhillsmag #proposalideas #romantictrip #beachvacation #perfectring #engagementring

So, you’ve finally found the person you can see spending the rest of your life with – a peaceful and exhilarating feeling. While there is much to consider, like your budget for your engagement ring and what you should know about shopping for engagement rings – after you find “the ring,” it’s time to start planning this proposal. With the fear of public speaking and grand displays being one thing that even the most confident of us feel anxiety over, the proposal ideas can seem daunting. 

Many people go the route of something easy and casual, which is fine; but if you’re with the type of partner that you know wants something a little more thought out and grand (and you’re struggling to come up with ideas), there are some perfect proposal ideas, as well as some tips to make sure things go swimmingly. Let us look at ways to pop the question in a style your significant other will never forget. 

If You’re Outdoorsy 

Maybe you swiped right because the photos of your partner on top of a mountain did it for you. If the two of you are outdoor enthusiasts, you should incorporate that passion into your proposal plan. Go on a hike with one another and when you reach the summit, set up a selfie timer and instead record yourself asking the most crucial question. Maybe you prefer long walks through nature – take them to a spot they’ve never been before, like a beautiful quarry or secret lake, and ask them there. 

Must Love Dogs 

We all know the phrase “Dog Mom” is worn like a badge of honor these days. While you may have plans for human children in your future, you likely want to propose first. Why not get their furry friend involved in the process. As cliche as it may seem, tying the ring on their dog’s collar and then calling the dog over to the two of you, is an easy and sweet proposal idea. You could also dress their dog up as a bit of a ring bearer and have the ring on a pillow on their back. Maybe your first date was at a dog park, and you could take the pups there and then propose. If your partner loves their dog more than anything, including them in this memorable event is thoughtful and adorable. 

Beachy Keen 

Who doesn’t love a romantic trip to the beach? This proposal idea is not only easy, but it’s also something you both will enjoy. The options for proposing at the beach are endless, from a moonlit walk to a fine dining experience on your trip. Make sure you have the perfect ring picked out for them, and if you’re struggling with finding that, learn more about what they do and don’t want in an engagement ring. One thing is for sure, though, everyone’s in a good mood on a beach vacation, and they’ll absolutely say “yes” – as if you had any doubt!

A Holiday They Won’t Forget. 

For decades, Christmas Day was the number one day to propose worldwide, alongside Valentine’s Day. In fact, many people who know their relationship is inching toward marriage are sure to have perfect manicures around these holidays, just waiting to take some ring selfies. Make their holiday dreams come true and propose the next major family holiday. This makes things even more memorable as your family, and loved ones will be around for the big question and answer. Additionally, if your soon-to-be fiance’s parents are more traditional, this allows you to ask for their blessing

The takeaway here should be that you want to incorporate your common interests and your partner’s desires into your proposal ideas. If you’re going to keep things low-key, there is nothing wrong with that – and some people prefer it. But, if you know that your partner wants something more, try using the above ideas. You might even want to hire a photographer or ask a close friend to trail you and be able to catch photos and videos of the proposal. So, find the perfect ring and get your plan in place so you can start moving towards happily ever after. Congratulations!

Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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