3 Tricks You Need for Navigating Los Angeles Streets

3 Tricks You Need for Navigating Los Angeles Streets #beverlyhillsmagazine #beverlyhill #bevhillsmag #losangeles #funattraction #avoidmakingassumption

Whenever you’re traveling to a city, you can take steps to make sure you’re safe at all times. If you’re in Los Angeles and wondering what you could do to improve your safety on the streets, read below. The three tips outlined will help you stay safe and enjoy your excursions no matter what you’re doing.

Stay Alert

This tip is possibly the most important one because it can help you stay safe in a number of different scenarios and places. Always be aware of your surroundings, taking note of people who seem to be interested in you. Sadly, homicide is one of the main causes of death for women, with almost half of the victims aged 44 years and below killed by either a former or current male intimate partner. If you have any reason to keep your guard up, always know that it’s best to be safe than sorry. Don’t act too suspicious or lost, as this will make you stand out from the crowd, while what you need to do is to blend in. Take note of people around you and avoid chalking up occurrences to coincidence, because doing this might just save your life.

Don’t Make Assumptions

While driving and walking on the streets of Los Angeles, another tip is to avoid making assumptions. Just because you’re at a crossing and the lights say you’re good to go does not mean you can throw caution to the wind. Always look both ways before stepping into the road to make sure it’s clear. Whenever possible, make eye contact with a driver before you step out in front of them so you’re both aware of each other. If the countdown or flashing hand has started, never attempt to cross the road, as apart from being dangerous, this is against the law. Stay safe while trying out products you’ve never used before because in case of something going wrong, sometimes you may not be able to take legal action. For instance, except to certain extents which may be modified by parties in a lawsuit, class actions are handled by Panels or FedArb Arbitrators the same way as they’re handled under FRCP23 including settlement, certification, and notice. If unsure about the legal repercussions of taking a certain course of action, always research and find out from the relevant authorities beforehand.

Trust Your Instincts

Your instincts can help keep you safe from a number of unsavory situations, so never ignore them. If you’re in a place and you suddenly feel unsafe, it will cost you nothing to leave, so always have some cash on you which you can use to get out of danger. If you feel like you’re being followed, try to lose your ‘tail’ by getting into a busy mall or restaurant from where you can take the next steps. The fact that 45% of workers in the United States experienced harassment and/or discrimination in the past year should make you more prepared to act to get yourself out of a situation you feel might work against your favor. Find out the potential hotspots for harassment and avoid them if you can, and you will have a better chance of staying safe in Los Angeles.

A city with many fun attractions and amazing beaches, you will be happy when you visit Los Angeles. Remember that if you do end up in a situation you want to get out of, you should try everything to stay safe. This includes screaming and causing a scene if accosted, as this will put off would-be attackers from carrying on with their plans. To make sure you have the best time possible, take note of the three tips above, and you should be safe.

Timothy Beck Werth was born on the Fourth of July. He studied journalism, film, and radio at the University of Southern California. Previously, he worked as a reporter and copywriter in Los Angeles.