7 Good Self Defense Items For Women

7 Good Self Defense Items For Women #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #selfdefense #selfdefenseproducts #sexualassaults #defendyourself #weaponizingitems #forciblerobbery
7 Good Self Defense Items For Women #beverlyhills #beverlyhillsmagazine #selfdefense #selfdefenseproducts #sexualassaults #defendyourself #weaponizingitems #forciblerobbery

Sexual assault and forcible robbery are on the rise. As such, it only makes sense for women to be concerned about their safety. This is especially true when leaving work late or walking alone at night. It’s important to be prepared to defend yourself if you must, whether it be a purse gun or some other self-defense item. Weaponizing items that you can easily carry in your purse or pocket can be the best way to be ready. To help you stay prepared, here’s a list of the 7 most effective self-defense items every woman could use. (Image Credit: Klimkin/Pixabay)

1- Pepper Spray

Commonly known as mace, pepper spray is a classic self-defense weapon that you can easily use to blind your assailant and buy yourself enough time to getaway. It comes camouflaged in various forms, resembling normal items that you would normally carry in your purse like lipsticks, pens, perfumes, and keychains. A large spray will typically give you around 20 shots with a 10-12 feet range. However, some can shoot as far as 18 feet. In addition, most have a shelf life of 3-5 years.

2- Stun Gun

Stun guns are inexpensive yet effective self-defense weapons. As the folks over at https://www.tbotech.com/ demonstrate, these are some of the most popular items that women use to protect themselves, as they’re easy to conceal in any purse, even a small one. You can find stun guns shaped like cell phones, lipsticks, etc. While their sly design and compact size make them extremely convenient, you should know that they work best at a close range because the electrical shock only lasts while you maintain contact. Before purchasing a stun gun, make sure you check your state’s laws first because they’re banned in some areas.

3- Taser

Like pepper sprays and stun guns, tasers were initially invented for police and security personnel but were eventually authorized for public use. Unlike stun guns, which merely cause intense pain, tasers can paralyze the attacker’s nervous system completely, rendering them incapacitated. They also have a better range of around 15 feet, and they’re typically more expensive. However, the higher price comes with more power, which gives you better protection.

4- Tactical Knife

Believe it or not, stabbing your assailant at a close range can cause more damage than a bullet because you would have more control over the place and severity of the injury. Tactical knives can often be found in the shape of a hairbrush or pen, and most of them can clip onto your belt or clothes. To select a good blade, follow the 3×3 rule: 3 millimeters thick and 3 inches long. A 3×3 knife will be light yet sturdy enough to inflict serious damage.

5- Tactical Keychain

Although they often look harmless with their bright colors and cute designs, tactical keychains can cause a lot of damage in hand-to-hand combat. They’re really just brass knuckles in disguise, except that instead of the heavy brass, they’re made of light, durable plastic. A tactical keychain will have holes that you can put your fingers through and sharp spikes with serrated edges on the outside. Walk around with one wrapped around your fist, and you’ll be ready for anything that may happen.

6- Alarm

We’re not talking about your typical alarm here, the one you knock off the nightstand each morning; self-defense alarms are much louder. They can be as loud as 130 decibels, and will definitely help you get everyone’s attention in the area. You’ll also find self-defense alarm apps that you can download on your phone. While digital alarms are usually not as loud, they come with an extremely useful feature that allows you to notify everyone on social media of your whereabouts, so you can get immediate help if you need it.

7- Spiked Ring

The heavy-duty plastic used in making tactical keychains is also used to create spiked self-defense rings. While it may look harmless to the unsuspecting attacker, when used, the blade’s cover will flex out with one quick motion to reveal a serrated spike that can hurt anyone who tries to overpower you. These serrated-edge weapons come in various sizes, and some of them are even adjustable, so you can wear them on any finger.

Having the best self-defense products on the market is about more than just protection; it’s about self-empowerment. With the right tools, you’ll no longer have to worry about walking to your car or taking the subway late at night. Don’t wait until you find yourself a victim to a crime; take a proactive step today and buy one or more of these items to ensure your protection and preserve your peace of mind. That way, you can live your life on your own terms and enjoy your nights out without fearing for your safety.

Martin Maina
Martin Maina is a professional writer and blogger who uses his expertise, skills, and personal experience in digital marketing to craft content that resonates with audiences. Deep down, he believes that if you cannot do great things, then you can do small things in a great way. To learn more, you can connect with him online.
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