How To Deal With Mental Oppression

How To Deal With Mental Oppression
How To Deal With Mental Oppression

There are many things that can get people down, but some of the toughest things people go through are the ones that hit your emotions, your feelings and can affect you physically as well as mentally. At the time it can feel like you are the only person going through it, but actually most of the issues where people feel alone and vulnerable are more common than you realize. So it is time to highlight some of the common problems everyone can face and how you can overcome it.


People suffer from anxiety when they start to worry about future events and fear is a reaction to what might happen or could happen. Anxiety can cause physical symptoms such as a fast heart rate, feeling shaky and also sickness and nausea. It can be crippling at times where people can avoid putting themselves in the situation that causes the anxiety but thankfully there are things you can do if you find yourself struggling with anxiety. You can get therapy for anxiety and things like cognitive behavioral therapy or counseling sessions can help you overcome the feelings by changing the way you think. Anxiety can be a fear of what people think as well as being the fear of something physical like social situations or even being outside of a safe zone like your home. God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and of a sound mind. When we trust in God completely, and remember He is in control, we can rest in His peace. He promises to work all things together for our good, so even when we run into trials in this life, we can know God will see us through, and we will come out stronger and wiser. 


Depression can be something that runs alongside things like anxiety and it can also be brought on by circumstances in your life. Depression can take on many forms. Sometimes you can function as normal, and get on with your life, whereas other times you become so crippled by depression that you can’t function at all. This means staying at home, hiding in bed, and having negative thoughts and feelings. It is something that really isn’t talked about enough and mental health can affect your whole life if left untreated. This is when speaking to professionals about feeling depressed can help you to tackle the issues once and for all. There are different methods of handling depression including therapy and counseling. Many people find true peace in a relationship with God. Through prayer and connecting with Him, you can be set free from all tormenting spirits that seek to keep mankind oppressed. 


Stress can be caused for all kinds of reasons, but the affects are one of the same. Feeling stressed can make you irritable, frustrated, down and even cause you to feel depressed if the circumstances are that bad. Most people can say they feel stressed and this can because of smaller factors such as work or relationship issues. But stress can also be caused by other important factors in your life such as your finances and feeling the strain of daily life. With bills mounting up, losing a job maybe, or being in a career that you don’t enjoy but feel you can’t escape can all be valid reasons to increase your stress levels. Dealing with stress can vary and people handle these situations in different ways. For example, your job maybe stressful and you may love it, so dealing with the necessary stress could be relaxing in an evening or having a hobby you enjoy to take your mind off things. Other more pressing issues like finances could make you turn to your current situation and try and make some improvements in some way.

Let’s hope by sharing the problems in such a public forum may encourage you to open up about your own issues. Always remember Jesus loves you and He is always with you. Pray to Him and He will keep you in His perfect peace. 

Jacqueline Maddison is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Beverly Hills Magazine. She believes in shining light on the best of the best in life. She welcomes you into the world of the rich and famous with the ultimate luxury lifestyle.
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